G00 - Rapid Move
G01 - Linear Feed Move
G02 - Clockwise Arc Feed Move
G03 - Counter Clockwise Arc Feed Move
G05 - Cubic Spline
G05.1 - Quadratic Spline
G05.2 - NURBS Block
G05.3 - NURBS Block End
G06 - Shapes Exec
G06.1 - Shapes Clear
G06.2 - Shapes Load
G06.3 - Shapes Process
G07 - Lathe Mode - Diameter
G08 - Lathe Mode - Radius
G09 - Stop, Sync & Set Position
G12 - Mill: Circular Pocket CW
G13 - Mill: Circular Pocket CCW
G15 - Polar Coordinate Cancel
G16 - Polar Coordinate Enable
G17 - XY Plane
G18 - ZX Plane
G19 - YZ Plane
G20 - Inch Units
G21 - Millimeter Units
G28 - Go To Home
G28.1 - Set Home
G30 - Go To Home
G30.1 - Set Home
G32 - Spindle Synch Motion
G33 - Spindle Synch Motion
G33.1 - Spindle Synch Motion With Return
G31 - Probe
G38.1 - Probe
G38.2 - Probe
G38.3 - Probe
G38.4 - Probe
G38.5 - Probe
G40 - Tool Compensation Cancel
G41 - Tool Compensation Left
G41.1 - Tool Compensation Dynamic Left
G42 - Tool Compensation Right
G42.1 - Tool Compensation Dynamic Right
G43 - Tool Offset+ Enable
G43.1 - Tool Offset+ Enable
G44 - Tool Offset- Enable
G44.1 - Tool Offset- Enable
G49 - Tool Offset Cancel
G53 - Machine Coordinate System
G54 - Coordinate System 1
G54.1 - Coordinate System P
G55 - Coordinate System 2
G56 - Coordinate System 3
G57 - Coordinate System 4
G58 - Coordinate System 5
G59 - Coordinate System 6 (or P)
G59.1 - Coordinate System 7
G59.2 - Coordinate System 8
G59.3 - Coordinate System 9
G61 - Blend Cancel
G64 - Blend Enable
G68 - Axes Rotate Enable
G69 - Axes Rotate Cancel
G70 - Inch Units
G71 - Millimeter Units
G72 - Mill: Facing
G72.1 - Mill: Profile
G72.2 - Mill: Pocket
G73 - Drill: Drill, Speed Peck, Dwell
G74 - Tap: Left
G75 - Turn: Pattern Repeating
G76 - Turn: Threading
G77 - Turn: Roughing X
G78 - Turn: Roughing Z
G79 - Turn: Grooving
G81 - Drill: Drill
G82 - Drill: Drill, Dwell
G83 - Drill: Drill, Peck, Dwell
G84 - Tap: Right
G85 - Bore: Feed In, Feed Out
G86 - Bore: Feed In, Spindle Stop, Rapid Out, Spindle Start
G87 - Bore: Feed In, Spindle Reverse, Rapid Out, Spindle Reverse
G88 - Bore: Feed In, Spindle Stop, Feed Out, Spindle Start
G89 - Bore: Feed In, Spindle Reverse, Feed Out, Spindle Reverse
G90 - Distance Mode - Absolute
G90.1 - Distance Mode - IJK Absolute
G90.2 - Distance Mode - ABC Absolute
G91 - Distance Mode – Incremental
G91.1 - Distance Mode - IJK Incremental
G91.2 - Distance Mode - ABC Incremental
G92 - Working Offset
G92.1 - Working Offset Set
G93 - Feed Mode - Inverse Time
G94 - Feed Mode - Units per Minute
G95 - Feed Mode - Units per Revolution
G96 - Spindle Mode - CSS
G97 - Spindle Mode - RPM
G98 - Cycle Return - Initial Z Point
G99 - Cycle Return - R Point