
Output board 3/4


This product is available in our web shop: Output board 3/4.


Output board 3/4 is a device primarily intended to interface PlanetCNC motion controller with external equipment such as spindle routers, spindle drives(VFD, BLDC), solenoid devices.

Features and specification

Single output 3/4 board offers:

  • 3 opto-isolated input channels
  • 1 input channel dedicated for frequency signal with its corresponding 0-10VDC output
  • 2 relay outputs
  • trimmer resistor for fine tuning of 0-10VDC output voltage
  • Adapter was designed specifically for Mk3/4 controller but it can be used with other controllers (connection adapter might be required in such case)

POWER 12VDC input:

  • External power supply input screw terminal connector, used for powering on-board relays and logic
  • Max voltage value is 12VDC
  • Power supply of 12V/200mA is recommended
Connector pin Description
+ Positive terminal of 12V power supply
- Negative terminal of power supply

+5VDC output:

  • Voltage output screw terminal connector and it can be used as +5V source
  • This voltage source is re-routed from Input screw terminal connector of Mk3/4 controller
Connector pin Description
+ Positive terminal of 5V voltage source
- Negative terminal of voltage source

0-10VDC voltage output:

  • Voltage output screw terminal connector for 0-10V voltage signal
  • This output voltage signal is proportional to frequency signal connected at input 6 of Input screw terminal connector
Connector pin Description
+ Positive terminal of 0-10V voltage output
- Negative terminal of voltage output


  • Trimmer resistor used for fine tuning of max value of 0-10V voltage output signal


  • Input screw terminal connector for 2 inputs and frequency signal
  • Input 1 is opto-isolated and controls relay 1
  • Input 2 is opto-isolated and controls relay 2
  • Input 6 is opto-isolated. This input accepts frequency signal from motion controllers output pin dedicated for spindle speed control
Connector pin Description
6 Frequency signal input
2 Opto-isolated input for relay 2 control
1 Opto-isolated input for relay 1 control
GND GND input terminal
+5V +5V input terminal

Relay 1 and Relay 2 output:

  • Relay output screw terminals
  • Each relay output offers Common, NC (normally closed) and NO(normally opened) terminal.
Connector pin Description
NO NO(normally opened) terminal
Common 1/2 Common terminal
NC NC(normally closed) terminal

Connection diagrams

Example 1: Connection of VFD and solenoid device

Bottom diagram describes connection of output board with Mk34 controller output pins and VFD.

  • Relay 1 controls solenoid value (e.g. coolant)
  • Relay 2 controls VFD's forward control input
  • Vout output is connected with VFD's analog input for RPM control

Example 2: Connection of VFD

Bottom diagram describes connection of output board with Mk34 controller output pins and VFD.

  • Relay 1 controls VFD's reverse control input
  • Relay 2 controls VFD's forward control input
  • Vout output is connected with VFD's analog input for RPM control.

Typical application

PlanetCNC TNG software settings configuration:

Images below describes configuration for 0-10V output signal and relay 1 and 2 control.
Setting configuration for RPM control, where we set pin 1 as spindle ON/OFF and pin 6 as speed signal.
Note that “Frequency” is selected and set to 1500 and that “Step Width” is zero.

We also set output pin 2 as coolant output:

In NC program, output 1 and speed output 6 will react to gcode e.g. M3 S12000. In this case, relay 1 will activate and voltage at the output board Vout output would be 5V. M8 will activate output 2. In case of M7, mist output will activate(not set in the image above).

  • when using it with VFD, VFD should use line filter
  • power supply for output board 3/4 should be 12VDC with stable voltage output
  • cable for power supply for output board 34 should be as short as possible
  • cable for signal connection between controller and output board 34 should be shielded, with shield connected to controller GND terminals only at controllers side
  • spindle motor should use shielded cable
hardware/accesories/acces-ob34.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/28 14:49 by andrej

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