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   Ball In Cage

   Rounded Square
   Guess The Number



   Lissajous (
   Lissajous (call..sub..endsub)

   Lissajous (exec..O..M99)

   Lissajous (G65)
   Lissajous (G65 with GOTO)





   Lissajous Python

  3D Models
   3D CNC

  Notepad++ Plugin


Notepad++ Plugin

I use Notepad++ a lot. It is the best txt editor for me. I write almost all my scripts/g-codes in there.

As an experimentation I created plugin that implements TNG expression engine as Npp plugin.
It simply evaluates selected text as expression and stores result to clipboard. I no longer need calculator.

Almost all relevant Expression functions and operators can be used in this plugin.

Take a look at examples to see the power of this plugin.

You can add it to context menu. Edit file “%AppData%/Notepad++/contextMenu.xml” and add this:

<Item FolderName="PlanetCNC" PluginEntryName="PlanetCNC Tools" PluginCommandItemName="Expression" ItemNameAs="Calculate Expression"/>
<Item id="0"/>

You can also add shortcut to F12 (like I do). Edit file “%AppData%/Notepad++/shortcuts.xml” and add this:

  <PluginCommand moduleName="PlanetCNCNpp64.dll" internalID="0" Ctrl="no" Alt="no" Shift="no" Key="123" />

See also

kb/samples/npp.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/30 23:27 by andrej

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