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How to configure and use moveable sensor

Movable sensor or also known as probe, is a switch that is used for measurement of work offset as also of coordinate system offset. Upon its activation, software calculates axis work position zero value, which is usually on the top of the material surface (tool tip just touching the material surface).

One of the simpler types of movable sensor can be a copper-clad laminate, pictured below. This type of sensor will be used for this tutorial. Clad has soldered wire that is connected to controller sensor input, while GND signal is attached to tool via e.g. crocodile clip. But other switch hardware can be used too (lever switch etc… ), you just need to configure it correctly in settings.

Connection diagram

Movable sensor is connected to controller's digital input. Image below demonstrates connection of sensor with Mk3 controller input. You can refer to the dedicated user manual for wiring diagrams of other PlanetCNC controllers.

NOTE: We really recommend connection of movable sensor to controller's input via dedicated opto-isolative circuit board. Such as these: OptoIso Input or OptoIso 3/4

Configuring movable sensor

Under File/Settings/Program Options/Probe & Measure configure input pin that you intend to use for movable tool sensor.

You can select between either Probe 1 or Probe 2 option. It doesn’t matter which one you choose.

Now that your sensor is connected and its input configured, it is best to activate sensor by hand to check if everything is functioning OK. Jog your machine (it can be in any direction) and see if machine stops when you activate sensor. Please note, that sensor dedicated input LED will be ON only when input is activated. If you use normally closed switch for your movable sensor, make sure that you invert its input under File/Settings/Input&Output.

Under IO tab of main display check if input is activated correctly.

Work Position/Measure Height procedure

For cases when probe is used to measure work position Z=0 (top of material), user can configure procedure under: File/Settings/Program Options/Offsets/Work Position/Measure Height

For any other probe measurement scenario, you can use procedures under Measure menu: Measure Menu

Speed & Low:
Speed and Low are speed values of first and second work position measurement moves (only Z axis).

First measurement move will be performed at Speed value. After movable sensor is activated, machine retracts for switch click distance and starts with the second measurement move, but this time at Low speed value. Make sure that Speed value is not set too high to the point where movable tool sensor, tool or machine could get damaged. Low value should be significantly lower that Speed value.

Size Z:
If you use copper board as a movable sensor, then value of this parameter is the thickness of the copper board( usually 1.6mm). For any other sensor type device, use its height as this value.

Return Distance:
This is the distance from the point where sensor/probe is activated and to the point when it is deactivated. For movable sensor this is usually zero. But you can use some small value, in order that software performs second measurement move.

Use Probe:

Please note: Make sure that Speed value is not set too high. You see, during measuring procedure, when tool touches the surface (sensor gets activated) machine stops immediately. If your speed is too high, inertia on Z axis may cause loss of steps of Z axis stepper motor.

Work position measure procedure can be executed via menu item Machine/Work Position/Measure Height or using left toolbar button(ruler icon):

Default sequence Measure Height procedure:

  • Machine will start descending at current position in -Z direction using Speed value. If Slow value is also set, machine will retract and make another measurement at Slow speed value.
  • When sensor is activated, machine will stop and ascend to Z height from which we started Measure Height procedure.
  • Software will set new work position offset value
  • Z axis work position value on surface of material should now be 0(zero). → user can manually jog machine towards the material surface, and once the tip of the tool touches the surface, work position value should be 0

NOTE: Please follow the steps at the link below to learn a correct way of using the Measure Height procedure with your machining process: Tool Change procedure

“Work Position/Measure height”step comes in at Step 4

kb/tutorials/basic/how_to_configure_and_use_moveable_sensor.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/05 08:11 by planetcnc

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