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Machine Menu

  Emergency Stop
  Start Options
   Speed Override
   Spindle Override
   Pause Enable
   Pause Optional
   Single Step
  Motor, Limits, Probe
   Motors Enable
   Soft Limits Enable
   Hard Limits Enable
   Probe Trigger
   Edit Tool Table
   Edit Tool Slots
   Measure Current Tool
   Measure All Tools
   To Zero
   Axis To Zero
   To G28, G30
   To Selected Line
   To Mark
   Program Bounds
   Position To Camera
   Camera To Position
   Camera To Sel. Line XY
  Machine Position
   To Zero
   Axis To Zero
   Measure Height
   As G28, G30
   Reset THC
  Work Position
   To Zero
   Axis To Zero
   From Program
   Measure Height
   Offset To Zero
   Offset To...
   Offset Axis To Zero
   Selected Line
  Coordinate System
   To Zero
   Axis To Zero
   Measure Height
   Offset To Zero
   Offset To...
   Offset Axis To Zero
   Edit Coordinate Systems
  Tool Offset
   To Zero
   Axis To Zero
   Measure Length
   From Tool Table
   Mill Facing
   Mill Profile
   Mill Pocket
   Mill Circular Pocket
   Drill Tap
   Turn Facing
   Turn Roughing
   Turn Repeating
   Turn Finishing
   Turn Grooving
   Turn Threading
   Probe Calibration
   Edge Find
   Edge Position
   Edge Angle
   Inside Corner
   Outside Corner
   Surface Height
   Surface Angle
   Gantry Square
   Save STL
   Save DXF
   To Output
   Add From Position
   Add From Camera
   Calibrate Scale
   Set Offset
  User Commands
   Firmware Update

Help Menu





Provides means for changing and selecting tool as also editing a tool table.

Tools - Current

Displays current active tool.

Tools - Change

If tool table is created, user can select tool from sub-menu and initiates tool change procedure. Newly changed tool will be set as current active tool.

This program feature is scriptable.
For more info regarding Scripts, please read chapters Scripts.

Default G-code is:

T#<_toolnumber> M6

Tools - Select

If tool table is created, user can select tool from sub-menu and without tool change procedure. Newly changed tool will be set as current active tool.

This program feature is scriptable.
For more info regarding Scripts, please read chapters Scripts.

Default code is:

M61 Q#<_toolnumber> 

Tools - Edit Tool Table

Tool table is a table that holds and organizes the cutting tools used in CNC machines. It allows for quick and easy tool changes during machining processes. The table includes information such as the type of tool, tool number, and tool length, among other important details.

Tool table is organized into several tabs.

General - Offset - Tool Change - Custom - Parameters - Speed & Feed

This button creates and adds tool to tool table.

This button updates any configuration changes of selected tool from tool table.

This button deletes selected tool from tool table.

Import button imports tool table that was saved previously as file.

Export button exports tool table file.

This button confirms changes and closes Edit Tool Table dialog.

PLEASE NOTE: To create and add new tool to tool table, user needs to use Add button.
If configuration changes were made to existing tools from tool table, user needs to use Update button.

This button cancels changes and closes Edit Tool Table dialog.

Creating a new tool in the tool table

Click 'Machine/Tools/Edit Tool Table'.

Under Tool No.: insert number for new tool.

Insert Diameter value and its name.

Insert tool offset (usually only in Z axis).

Then click Add. Tool will appear in the tool list.

To change parameters of already created tool select/highlight the tool from tool list and change tools parameters. Then click Update.

Tools - Measure Current Tool

Measures currently active tool’s length and stores the value in the tool table.

If measured tool is not in the tool table, this feature will create new tool with current tool number.

Fixed tool sensor will be used for measurement.

Note that after the measurement, tool offset value is not set.

To avoid any damage, software safety feature will notify you if sensor/probe is not configured in settings.

Tools - Measure All Tools

Measures tool length for multiple tools in numerical order. If user needs to populate its tool table with multiple tools, this can speeds up the process.

If measured tool is not in the tool table, this feature will create new tool with current tool number.

Fixed tool sensor will be used for measurement.

Note that after the measurement, tool offset value is not set.

To avoid any damage, software safety feature will notify you if sensor/probe is not configured in settings.

tng/machine_menu/machine_menu-tools.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/31 21:49 by

Page Tools