
Jogging - Handwheel

PlanetCNC TNG software supports two types of Handwheel:

  1. PlanetCNC Handwheel, wireless
  2. PlanetCNC Handwheel, connected with PlanetCNC controller using CTRL header.

With this group of settings your configure jogging modes for both types of Handwheel.

Mode 1-5

You can configure and use five jogging modes when using MPG pendant with PlanetCNC TNG. To select between modes you use Handwheel hardware switch (see handwheel user manual).

Each mode can be configured either as Speed or Step. If radio button is left unchecked, Speed mode will be used, if you enable the radio button, Step mode will be used.

Step Mode

If you enable the Step radio button, corresponding jogging mode will be configured as Step mode. Rotation of encoder will jog machine in discrete short distance increments that are set with Step value.

Speed: Speed of step jog moves.

Step: In Step mode this value is interpreted as step distance increment.

Normal Mode

If radio button is left unchecked, corresponding jogging mode will be configured as Normal mode. Rotation of encoder wheel will be translated into motion.

Speed: Speed of jogging motion.

Round: Position rounding value. When jog motion stops, machine position value will be rounded value divisible with entered value.

Related parameters:





Radio buttons represent reverse options for all 9 axes. From left to right: x,y,z,a….v,w. When reverse option enabled, its corresponding axis will have reverse direction of jogging travel.

Wireless Handwheel


Enables use of wireless Handwheel. Radio button will be checked/unchecked automatically, depending if connection* between PlanetCNC TNG software and wireless MPG is established.


Note: USB driver needs to be installed, USB dongle transceiver must be connected with computer and Handwheel needs to be turned ON.

Ctrl Handwheel


Enables use of Handwheel connected to controller CTRL header.


Enter PPR value (parts per revolution) of Handwheel encoder. Usually around 100PPR.


Reverses direction of jogging when Handwheel is used for jogging.

Note: These settings apply to encoder connected to CTRL pins: EN1A and EN1B

tng/settings/settings-jogging_handwheel.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/19 11:42 by planetcnc

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